§ 13-180. Application requirements  

Latest version.
  • The development services director shall prescribe the application form and information necessary to process the conditional use permit. In addition, the development services director may require that the following information accompany the application:

    (a) A map depicting the distance from the project property lines to the nearest residential structure, residential zone, and general plan residential land use designation.

    (b) Identification of surrounding zoning and land uses.

    (c) Project proximity to 100-year floodplain areas.

    (d) Project proximity to any known earthquake fault zones.

    (e) The relationship of the proposed project to all above ground water supplies as well as known underground aquifers that could possibly suffer contamination.

    (f) Existing and proposed utilities which service or will be needed to service the facility.

    (g) A preliminary geological study of the property and surrounding area which includes a soils analysis that is to the depth of known aquifers, regardless of the potability of those aquifers.

    (h) Identification of all wastewater, treated and untreated, to be generated by the proposed facility and the method and place of final discharge. Surface water runoff shall also be addressed.

    (i) Identification of the amounts (tonnage) and types of hazardous wastes to be treated at the proposed facility; the sources of these wastes; the ultimate disposition of the wastes; and the anticipated life of the facility. Information shall be provided on the amounts, sources and types of hazardous wastes to be treated based on an actual survey of the industries to be served and, thereby, representative of the wastes that will be processed at the facility.

    (j) For properties within a 300-foot radius of the boundary of the project site, the applicant shall provide a surrounding ownership map, a list of names and mailing addresses of all property owners and tenants within the radius area, and five (5) sets of mailing labels for all tenants and owners of record per the specifications of the planning division. A greater radius of notification, up to one thousand (1000) feet, may be required at the discretion of the development services director.

    (k) A public involvement/participation plan for the proposed project which provides adequate forums to receive public testimony in an effort to identify and mitigate all public concerns prior to the public hearings.

    (l) The proposed monitoring program to ensure on an ongoing basis that there is no unintentional release of any hazardous substance from the site. This program shall include any ongoing monitoring necessary by other permitting agencies including but not limited to the Southern California Air Quality Management District, Environmental Protection Agency, Air Resources Board and Regional Water Quality Control Board.

    (m) A preliminary emergency contingency plan designed to minimize hazards to human health or the environment from fires, explosions or any unplanned release of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents to the air, soil or surface water. The plan shall provide for its immediate implementation whenever there is a fire, explosion or release of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents which could threaten human health or the environment.

    (n) The proposed closure plan which identifies the steps necessary to completely or partially close the facility at any point during its operating life and to permanently close the facility at the end of its intended operating life.

    (o) An analysis of how the proposed project complies with the siting criteria for off-site hazardous waste facilities described in the county hazardous waste management plan. The siting criteria may be obtained from the planning division.

    (p) Documentation that all applicable permits, licensing and certification requirements under Chapter 6.5, Division 20, of the State Health and Safety Code have been obtained.

    (q) Other information as required by the development services director.

(Ord. No. 97-11, § 2, 5-5-97)