§ 13-154. Application and review process  

Latest version.
  • (a) Preliminary application. A developer of a qualified housing project and/or child care facility may submit a preliminary application pursuant to this article prior to the submittal of any formal requests for approvals for a housing project development.

    Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the application, the planning division shall provide to the applicant, the procedures for compliance with this article, a copy of this article and related policies, the pertinent sections of the State Codes to which reference is made in this article, and an application.

    (b) Submittal. The completed formal application shall include the following information.

    (1) A legal description of the total site proposed for development including a statement of present ownership and present and proposed zoning.

    (2) A letter signed by the present owner stating how the project will comply with State Government Code Section 65915 et seq. and stating what is being requested of the city, i.e., density bonus and specific concessions or incentives.

    (3) A pro-forma for the proposed project to justify the requested concession or incentive and to establish the land valuation per dwelling unit of bonus units. The applicant shall show that any requested waiver or reduction of a development standard is necessary to make the housing units economically feasible.

    (4) A management plan for complying with the maintenance of the designated units regarding income qualification documentation and rent or sale price documentation.

    (5) Site plan and supporting plans per the planning application submittal requirements.

    (c) Review. The review of an application for a density bonus and concession or incentive request shall be processed as a planning application pursuant to chapter III planning applications. The planning division shall review the application for its conformance with State Government Code Section 65915 et seq. and applicable City Codes and make a report to the planning commission. If the application involves a request for direct financial incentives, then any action by the planning commission on the application shall be advisory only, and the city council shall have the authority to make the final decision on the application.