§ 13-200.79. Purpose and intent

Latest version.
  • The purpose of this article is to establish operational and development standards for emergency shelters to ensure that these uses are operated to address the homeless needs and consistent with the requirements of Sections 65582, 65583, and 65589.5 of the Government Code relating to local planning.

    Development standards: The following development and operational standards shall apply to establishment of emergency shelters as defined by the Zoning Code.

    (1) The maximum length of stay shall not exceed one hundred twenty (120) days in a three hundred sixty-five-day period.

    (2) Each shelter may have a maximum of thirty (30) beds.

    (3) Off-site parking shall be provided at a parking rate of one parking space per four beds or one space per employee, whichever is higher.

    (4) Stays at the emergency shelter facility shall be limited between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.

    (5) Nonoperational and unregistered vehicles shall not be kept on site. Towing shall be the responsibility of the shelter operator.

    (6) Each emergency shelter shall provide an interior and exterior waiting area adequate to accommodate waiting clients and to prevent queuing into the public right-of-way. An exterior waiting area shall be physically separated and visually screened from the public right-of-way.

    (7) The emergency shelter facility shall provide an on-site resident manager on-site at all times.

    (8) A minimum distance of three hundred (300) feet shall be maintained from another emergency shelter. The distance of separation shall be measured in a straight line between the property lines of each use without regard to intervening structures or objects.

    (9) The shelter operator shall provide minimum exterior lighting in compliance with city's security requirements. In addition, the operator shall regularly patrol the area surrounding the shelter site during hours that the shelter is in operation to ensure that homeless persons who have been denied access are not congregating in the neighborhood.

    (10) Alcohol and narcotics use and consumption are prohibited within the facility and on the property.

    (11) An operations plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the development services director and police chief prior to operation of the emergency shelter. The plan shall include minimum provisions related to on-site security and safety, staff training, loitering control, client eligibility, counseling services, and indoor and outdoor management of the facility.