§ 13-189. Transitional areas  

Latest version.
  • The West 19th Street Transition Area for the residential area including 854 through 1014 W. 19th Street (even numbered properties only) and 1903 Federal Avenue ("affected property(s)") is hereby removed. Legally established businesses operating on affected properties in existence prior to the removal of the transition area ("current business") may continue to operate as legal nonconforming uses subject to Chapter X, Nonconforming Units, Developments, and Lots of the Zoning Code. Following the termination of a current business, all structures, landscape, and parking on an affected property shall be restored and/or converted to conform with the development standards and building code requirements for single-family residences in a R1 zone.

(Ord. No. 97-11, § 2, 5-5-97; Ord. No. 02-12, § 1a, 6-17-02 )