§ 12-53. Permits  

Latest version.
  • (a) Any lodge, society, social organization, group, sports league or team, social club or other organization of persons having ten (10) or more members or attendees desiring to use any area of any public park, square, avenue, grounds or recreation facility for a parade, picnic, game, or other purpose and where such use will exclude or interfere with use by other members of the public from such area shall obtain a permit from the administrative services director or his designee not less than three (3) business days or more than one (1) year prior to such use. The administrative services director and other personnel of the department may take all reasonable measures to apportion the use of any park, square, avenue, grounds and other recreational facilities fairly among individuals and groups desiring to use them. A permit fee may be charged to offset costs. Such fees shall be established by resolution of the city council.

    (b) The administrative services director shall issue permits for the exclusive use of any public facility described in subsection (a) during certain times unless one of the following grounds is found to exist:

    (1) The proposed use of a specified facility for a certain time is in conflict with a previously issued permit for the same facility.

    (2) The proposed use will have a significant adverse impact on or present an imminent threat of damage or injury to the facility or the public health, safety, and welfare.

    (3) The proposed use violated the provisions of this article or any other federal, state, county or city statute, ordinance or regulation.

    (c) Before making a determination on an application for a permit, the administrative services director shall allow interested persons an opportunity to submit relevant information either orally or in writing, and the director shall give notice of his decision on the application by mail within twenty-four (24) hours of his decision. The decision of the administrative services director shall be made within three (3) business days of the filing of the application, and may be appealed to the parks and recreation commission by any interested person within seven (7) days of the date on which the notice of the decision, addressed to the groups or organizations affected, is deposited in the mail; provided, however, that the decision shall remain in effect while the appeal is pending.

(Code 1960, § 10730; Ord. No. 68-10, 3-4-68; Ord. No. 86-19, § 2, 8-4-86; Ord. No. 92-12, § 2, 7-6-92; Ord. No. 99-8, § 18, 6-7-99; Ord. No. 02-10, § 1, 5-20-02 )