§ 12-20. Disorderly conduct  

Latest version.
  • (a) [Enumerated.] When used in this title, the words "disorderly conduct" shall include any of the following conduct in any park:

    (1) A violation of any section of the California Penal Code.

    (2) A violation of any section of this Code.

    (3) Throw or cause to be launched stones or any other projectile.

    (4) Fire or carry fireworks of any kind including "safe and sane fireworks."

    (5) Make any fire or hold any barbecue except at places designated and/or permitted by the public services director or by the administrative services director.

    (6) Conduct or cause to be conducted any business which is defined as the sale or solicitation of business including, but not limited to, the wholesale or retail provision or distribution of goods, commodities, or services, without a written permit from the administrative services director.

    (7) Climb upon any wall, fence, shelter, seat, building, structure, tree, shrub, device or other equipment, except at play equipment designated by the public services director or by the administrative services director.

    (8) Bring, land or cause to descend or alight any aircraft, balloon, parachute or other instrumentality, machine, or apparatus for aviation or flight, except as permitted by the administrative services director pursuant to this title.

    (9) Damage, deface, alter, injure, destroy or remove any tree, wood, bush, turf, flower, plant, grass, soil, rock or any similar thing or part thereof from any park or in or on any building or structure within any park.

    (10) Damage, deface, alter, injure, destroy, or make, cut, paint upon, or otherwise mar or mutilate, or remove any equipment, pathway, facility, building or structure or part thereof within any park.

    (11) Let loose or permit to run, or swim, at large any animal upon any park, building or structure thereon, except as permitted by the administrative services director pursuant to this title.

    (12) Damage, deface, alter, injure, destroy or remove any animal in any park, except that abandoned wild or exotic animal let loose in any park in violation of this title may be removed by the public services department or by the administrative services department.

    (13) Lead, drive, entice, conduct or otherwise bring or cause to bring any horse, mule, ass, cattle, goat, sheep, swine or other similar livestock animal upon any park, building or structure thereon, except as permitted by the administrative services director pursuant to this title.

    (14) Place, pile, deposit, leave or cause to be deposited any building material, soil, solid waste or any other thing upon any park, and building or structure, except as permitted by the public services director, by the administrative services director, or in an area or receptacle designated by the public services department pursuant to this title.

    (15) Swim, bathe or wade in or pollute the waters of any fountain, lake, marsh or fishpond in any park or recreation center, and building or structure thereon.

    (16) Operate a remote-controlled ground-based vehicle on or within any park, square, avenue, parkway, grounds or recreation center, except in areas as designated by the administrative services director.

    (17) Engaging in a sport or activity such as "paintball", whereby a projectile is launched either mechanically or through pressure, or possessing any of the equipment or paraphernalia used in such a sport or activity.

    (18) Feed or cause to be fed wild animals, including but not limited to opossums, skunks, raccoons, and squirrels, or wild fowl, both migratory and nonmigratory, including but not limited to ducks, geese, and pigeons.

    (19) Fishing or any attempt to catch fish or crayfish, by line, net, or other method, in any fountain, lake, marsh or fishpond in any park or recreation center, whether from shore or by wading.

    (20) Pursuant to section 8-133 of this Code, smoking, as defined in section 8-132(e).

    (b) Ejection. Any person who commits any of the acts set forth in this section shall be guilty of disorderly conduct and shall be subject to ejection from the park by any city employee authorized to enforce violations of this Code or state laws.

    (c) [Violations.] Three (3) or more violations of section 12-20 by the same individual within any twelve-month period within the same park is declared to be a public nuisance and may be abated by the city through civil proceedings by means of a restraining order, preliminary or permanent injunction, or in any other manner provided by law for the abatement of such nuisances, including but not limited to the remedies provided for in section 1-33 of this Code. Any such individual may be ordered to stay away from the park where the violations occurred for up to twelve (12) months following the most recent violation.

(Code 1960, § 10625; Ord. No. 68-10, 3-4-68; Ord. No. 86-19, § 2, 8-4-86; Ord. No. 96-4, § 4-1-96; Ord. No. 98-6, § 1, 3-2-98; Ord. No. 02-10, § 1, 5-20-02 ; Ord. No. 02-18, § 1, 10-7-02 ; Ord. No. 10-17, § 1, 12-7-10 ; Ord. No. 11-12, § 2, 11-15-11 )