§ 11-113. Costs and relocation  

Latest version.
  • (1) The costs of installation, maintenance, replacement, removal, and relocation of vending machines shall be at the sole expense of the custodians thereof. Upon removal of any machine its custodian shall at his sole expense cause the right-of-way to be repaired to a condition in conformity to the surrounding area (except if removal is required under subdivision (2) below). Upon failure of the custodian to make such repairs, the work may be done by city and charged to the custodian.

    (2) In the event of necessity to remove machines from any location due to changes, repairs, or other construction in the right-of-way by city, the director shall give written notice of not less than sixty (60) days to the custodians thereof to remove said machines, and the custodians shall remove their machines by the end of said sixty (60) days. Any removed machines can be replaced at the same location after completion of the construction if the site still meets the requirements of this chapter, or, if the custodian desires, the machines can be relocated to a new location established in compliance with this chapter.

(Ord. No. 79-7, § 2, 6-4-79)