§ 11-101. Definitions  

Latest version.
  • The words and terms used in this chapter shall have the following meanings, notwithstanding other laws or interpretations, unless a contrary intent is clearly indicated.

    (1) Content: The material located inside a vending machine, whether a publication or goods, for purposes of sale or distribution to members of the general public.

    (2) Custodian: The owner of a vending machine.

    (3) Director: The director of public services department of the City of Costa Mesa, or his authorized designee.

    (4) Display window: Any window located or utilized so as to exhibit or make a presentation of merchandise; or any window located or utilized so as to give evidence to the general public of the interior of a business establishment.

    (5) Goods: All goods, wares and merchandise, other than publications, intended for sale or distribution to members of the general public.

    (6) Laterally: The mode of measuring distances herein by using the curbline or edge of a street as the plane of reference, and measuring horizontally along that plane.

    (7) Permanent vending machine: A vending machine that is affixed to the ground, sidewalk or improvements upon the right-of-way by bolts or poles, and not readily movable.

    (8) Person: An individual, firm, partnership, corporation or other legal entity.

    (9) Physical location: The spatial relationship of an object with other objects.

    (10) Portable vending machine: A vending machine that is readily movable from place to place.

    (11) Publications: All newspapers, magazines or other printed matter with words or pictures, howsoever prepared or reproduced, that are intended for sale or distribution to members of the general public.

    (12) Right-of-way shall have the all inclusive meaning pertaining to public highways, streets, roads, sidewalks, etc., dedicated to and intended for use of the traveling public, whether vehicular or pedestrian, located within the city of Costa Mesa.

    (13) Sidewalk: That portion of the right-of-way used and intended for pedestrian travel, whether paved or unpaved.

    (14) Street: That portion of the right-of-way used and intended for vehicular travel and generally bounded by curbs.

    (15) Vending machines: Any mechanical device the operation of which depends upon the insertion of a coin or other thing representative of value in the denomination of five cents ($0.05) or more, and which dispenses or vends a product, service, or exchange of equal value, other than telephone service furnished under public utility tariffs. The term shall not be construed to include any equipment used by a financial institution for the purpose of facilitating financial transactions, whether such equipment is located on the premises of the financial institution or at a location remote therefrom.

(Ord. No. 79-7, § 2, 6-4-79)