§ 9-296. Application, fee and deposit; insurance  

Latest version.
  • The application for a storage device rental permit shall be accompanied by proof of payment of a nonrefundable application fee, in an amount established by resolution of the city council, and of a cleanup and repair deposit in a reasonable sum to be fixed by the director of public services, depending on the apparent risks of the permittee's operation, including such factors as the number and capacities of the storage devices owned by the applicant and rented or offered for rental, and the applicant's record in regard to cleanup and damage to public or private property. The amount to be deposited shall be not less than three hundred dollars ($300.00) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).

    The application for a permit pursuant to this article, and any renewal application, shall be also accompanied by proof of Workers' Compensation Insurance in statutory amount and of public liability insurance with limits of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000.00), combined single limits, per occurrence and aggregate, providing primary coverage to the City of Costa Mesa and its elected and appointed boards, officers, and employees as additional insureds and providing for thirty (30) days' advance, written notice to the city prior to cancellation or reduction in coverage.

    Failure of a permittee to maintain the insurance coverage required by this section shall constitute grounds for immediate suspension of his permit until proof of appropriate insurance is provided, and repeated or long-continued failure to maintain insurance coverage shall constitute grounds for revocation of his permit.

(Ord. No. 84-37, § 2, 9-17-84)