§ 9-194. Application for permit  

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  • (1) An application for a permit pursuant to this article shall be filed with the city manager or his/her designee and shall contain and/or comply with all of the following requirements:

    (a) Completion of the application form designated by the city manager, and signed by the applicant under penalty of perjury.

    (b) Applications shall be filed and must be complete a minimum of forty-five (45) calendar days prior to the date requested for issuance of the permit. This time period may be waived for cause on application to the city manager who shall grant the waiver on finding the size, nature, and complexity of the event is such that it can be reviewed in less than the forty-five-day period.

    (c) Payment of the fee as prescribed by resolution of city council.

    (d) Renewal permit applications shall be filed and must be complete a minimum of forty-five (45) calendar days prior to expiration of any existing permit.

    (e) Where the applicant is a corporation, association, partnership, or other legal entity, applicant shall mean each partner, officer, director, or each shareholder owning or controlling an interest of more than ten (10) per cent of such entity. The application for a corporation, association, partnership, or other legal entity, shall identify on the application the names of each partner, officer, director, or each shareholder owning or controlling an interest of more than ten (10) per cent of such entity, and the legal name, address and telephone number of the person, partnership association, corporation or other legal entity submitting the application.

    (f) The business name, street address and telephone number under which the event or activity will be conducted.

    (g) The exact nature and location of the activity for which the permit is requested and an estimate of the maximum number of persons who would attend the event or activity.

    (h) A proposed plan for seating for the event or activity, and information regarding the maximum legal occupancy of the proposed premises.

    (i) The time period for which the permit is requested.

    (j) A security plan for control of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and prevention of unlawful conduct by employees and patrons, including but not limited to assaults, disturbances, vandalism, littering, theft, sale or use of controlled substances, and consumption of alcohol by persons under twenty-one (21) years of age, within the building(s) and outside in the areas affected by the public attending the event.

    (k) A plan for control of noise affecting nearby premises, with special attention to prevention of noise nuisance to nearby residences, if any.

    (l) A detailed floor plan and site plan of the premises showing the building interior and exterior grounds, including parking spaces, amusement ride location, seating arrangements, dance floor area, bar location, fire exits, and the dimensions of each portion with the layout of the event and/or course or parade route, when applicable.

    (m) Whether or not any alcoholic beverages will be sold or served.

    (n) A trash and litter collection and off-site disposal plan and portable restroom supply plan.

    (o) If applicant is a nonprofit, charitable organization, such nonprofit status must be established with the city and the percentage of profit to the charity must be included.

    (p) Such other information pertaining to public health and safety as may be required by the city manager or that the applicant may wish to include.

    (2) An application will be deemed complete, unless within five (5) working days, the applicant is given written notice and told what information is missing, either in person or by a letter addressed to the applicant and deposited in the mail.

    (3) The application form shall contain and be prominently displayed, a statement, in substantially the following form:


    Notice should be sent to you by mail, within thirty (30) working days of your filing a completed application, that your application has been granted or denied. If you receive notice that your application has been denied or has been granted subject to conditions, you may appeal the denial or any of the conditions by filing a written appeal with the city clerk within seven (7) days from the time the notice was deposited in the mail or was personally delivered to you.

(Ord. No. 95-13, § 2, 9-18-95)