§ 13-53. Development standards  

Latest version.
  • Table 13-53 identifies development standards in the industrial zones. See also Article 9, General Site Improvement Standards, of this chapter for additional requirements.

    TABLE 13-53

    Minimum Lot Area 10,000 square feet 30,000 square feet
    Minimum Lot Area for newly subdivided lots 10,000 square feet 30,000 square feet
    Minimum Lot Width for newly subdivided lots 120 feet
    Note: All newly subdivided lots shall have frontage on a dedicated street equal to, or in excess of, the required minimum lot width.
    Maximum Floor Area Ratio Refer to Chapter V, Article 8 FLOOR AREA RATIOS.
    Maximum Building/Structure Height 2 stories/30 feet 3 stories/45 feet
    SETBACKS FOR MAIN BUILDINGS AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES (Minimum distances given, unless otherwise noted. All setbacks are measured from the ultimate property line shown on the master plan of highways.)
    Front Interior lot: 10 feet
    Corner lot: 15 feet
    Exception: If the property is adjacent to a residential zone on either side, the front setback is 20 feet.
    All lots: 20 feet
    Side Interior lot: 0 feet
    Corner lot: 15 feet on the street side
    Exception: If the side property line is adjacent to a residential zone, all buildings shall maintain a side setback from the residential property line of 2 times the building height at all locations.
    Interior lot: 10 feet
    Corner lot: 20 feet on the street side
    Exception: If the side property line is adjacent to a residential zone, all buildings shall maintain a side setback from the residential property line of 2 times the building height at all locations.
    Rear (Interior) All lots: 0 feet
    Exception: If the rear property line is adjacent to a residential zone, all buildings shall maintain a rear setback from the residential property line of 2 times the building height at all locations.
    Rear abutting a public street 10 feet 20 feet
    PROJECTIONS (Maximum depth of projections given)
    Roof or Eaves overhang; Awning 2 feet 6 inches into required side setback.
    5 feet into required front or rear setback.
    Open, unenclosed Stairways. 2 feet 6 inches into required setback area.
    PARKING (See Chapter VI).
    LANDSCAPING (See Chapter VII).
    SIGNS (See Chapter VIII).
    Planned Signing Program Not required.
    Uses Underroof All uses shall be conducted underroof except as may be permitted by a minor conditional use permit or as permitted elsewhere in this Zoning Code..
    Exception: Sidewalk and parking lot sales may be allowed on the basis of a maximum of 4 sales per fiscal year with a maximum length of 3 days per sale and subject to obtaining a business permit.
    Outdoor Storage (incidental to main use) Permitted when: Storage does not interfere with required parking or vehicular access; storage is not in required setback area abutting a public right-of-way; storage does not decrease required landscaping; storage is completely screened from view from street or adjacent properties; storage complies with all applicable codes and regulations including, but not limited to, the Uniform Fire Code. Shipping containers shall also comply with setback requirements for structures, floor area ratio standards, and parking requirements. A permanent foundation shall be required for shipping containers. Storage not meeting these criteria requires approval of a minor conditional use permit.


(Ord. No. 97-11, § 2, 5-5-97; Ord. No. 98-5, § 13, 3-2-98; Ord. No. 02-4, § 1f, 3-18-02; Ord. No. 02-9, § 1e, 7-1-02 )