§ 13-28. Types  

Latest version.
  • (a) Administrative adjustment. Any deviation from an adopted development standard in this Zoning Code that meets the criteria listed in Table 13-28(a).

    TABLE 13-28(a)

    Standard Deviation Range
    Decrease in required front yard depth; provided that in residential zones, the garage is set back a minimum of 19 feet from the front property line. More than 20% but no more than 40%
    Decrease in required rear yard depth. More than 20% but no more than 40%
    Decrease in required side yard width. More than 20% but no more than 40%
    Increase in maximum fence/wall height. More than 331/3% but no more than 50%
    Increase in depth of permitted projections into required yards. More than 20% but no more than 40%
    Deviation in sign area, height, setbacks, separation and other sign specifications More than 10% but no more than 20%
    Decrease in required distance between main structures More than 20% but no more than 40%
    Decrease in required distance between accessory and main structures More than 20% but no more than 40%


    (b) Conditional use permit. Any use specified in this Zoning Code as requiring a conditional use permit.

    (1) Common interest development conversion. For residential projects, a proposal to convert an occupied or previously occupied apartment complex to a residential common interest development project. To request a conversion for a newly constructed project, the apartment complex shall have received final building approval for occupancy. For non-residential projects, a proposal to convert an occupied or previously occupied non-residential complex to a non-residential common interest development. Non-residential includes industrial, commercial, office, and/or mixed-use project.

    (c) Density bonus or incentive. Any request for incentives to produce lower income and senior housing per State Government Code Section 65915.

    (d) Design review. Any construction that results in three (3) or more dwelling units on a development lot in any residential zone, except planned development, shall be subject to design review.

    (e) Development review. The following shall be subject to development review:

    (1) Single-story residential construction: In the R2-MD, R2-HD, and R3 zones, any single-story construction of two (2) or fewer new single-story dwelling units. Exception: New single-story accessory buildings, such as garages or carports, single-story room additions, and other minor construction that comply with all applicable development standards shall not be subject to development review but shall be reviewed by the planning division.

    (2) Two-story residential construction: In the R2-MD, R2-HD, and R3 zones, any two-story construction on a lot where there are two (2) or fewer dwelling units or any second-story addition on a lot with more than two (2) dwelling units that complies with any residential design guidelines adopted by city council.

    (3) Construction of new buildings or additions to existing buildings in the AP, CL, C1, C2, C1-S, MG, or MP zones. However, building additions that do not exceed two thousand (2,000) square feet or fifty (50) percent of the existing building area, whichever is less, and comply with all applicable development standards shall not be subject to development review.

    (4) Lot line adjustment; and

    (5) Any other use specified in this Zoning Code as requiring development review.

    (f) Lot line adjustment. Any adjustment to an existing lot line between two lots, where the land taken from one lot is added to an abutting lot and/or where a greater number of lots than originally existed is not created. A lot line adjustment may be used to combine no more than four abutting lots.

    (g) Master plan. Prior to development in the planned development (PD), town center (TC), shopping center (C1-S), mixed-use overlay (MU), and both institutional and recreational (I&R and I&R-S) zoning districts, a master plan is required. Preliminary master plans are required in the TC zone, are optional in PD and MU zones, and are not required in C1-S, I&R-S, and I&R zones.

    (1) Minor changes: Minor changes in the location, siting or character of buildings and structures may be authorized by the planning division if required by the final engineering or other circumstances not foreseen at the time the master plan was approved. No change authorized under this section may cause any of the following:

    a. A change in the use or character of the development;

    b. An increase in the overall density or floor area ratio of the development;

    c. An increase in overall coverage of structures;

    d. A reduction or change in character of approved open space;

    e. A reduction of required off-street parking;

    f. A detrimental alteration to the pedestrian, vehicular and bicycle circulation and utility networks; or

    g. A reduction in required street pavement widths.

    h. An increase of more than six (6) inches in building height.

    i. A decrease in building setback greater than can be approved by a minor modification by the development services director.

    (2) Major amendments: Substantial amendments to the master plan encompassing one or more of the minor changes listed in subparagraphs (1)a. through (1)i., or any proposed change determined by the development services director as a major amendment, shall be subject to review and approval by the zoning administrator. Furthermore, if the major amendment results in an overall building square footage that exceeds the maximum density or building square footage allowed by the approved master plan, the zoning administrator must find that the major amendment is consistent with the density, floor area ratio, and trip budget standards established by the general plan, as applicable.

    (3) Minor amendments.

    a. Minor amendments to existing master plans in planned development zones are subject to section 13-56, master plan required.

    b. Minor amendments to existing master plans in the TC, C1-S, MU, I&R, and I&R-S zones may be approved by development review if the planning division finds that the proposed construction does not materially affect required open space, floor area ratio, and parking requirements specified in the approved master plan. Furthermore, if the minor amendment results in an overall building square footage that exceeds the maximum building square footage allowed by the approved master plan, the planning division must find that the minor amendment is consistent with the floor area ratio and trip budget standards established by the general plan, as applicable.

    (4) Mixed-use development plan screening application. Applicants for residential or mixed-use development projects in a mixed-use overlay district shall submit a screening application for consideration by city council at a public meeting. No other concurrent application for development may be submitted for processing until city council comments have been received. The purpose of the screening application is to receive city council comments on the merits and appropriateness of the proposed development. No other action on the screening application will be taken by city council. The submittal requirements for the screening review are specified on the city's planning application form, and the city council's review comments on the proposed project for processing shall not set precedent for approval of the master plan.

    (h) Minor conditional use permit. Any use or deviation from development standards specified in this Zoning Code as requiring a minor conditional use permit.

    (i) Minor design review. The following shall be subject to minor design review:

    (1) Two-story residential construction that does not comply with any residential design guidelines adopted by the city council in the following zones:

    a. R1 zone: Any two-story construction or second-floor addition; and

    b. R2-MD, R2-HD, and R3 zones: Any two-story construction on a lot that results in two (2) or fewer dwelling units or any second-story addition on a lot with more than two (2) dwelling units.

    (2) Reserved for future use.

    (3) Any deviation from development standards specified in this Zoning Code as requiring a minor design review.

    (j) Minor modification. Any deviation from an adopted development standard in this Zoning Code that meets the criteria listed in Table 13-28(j)(1).

    TABLE 13-28(j)(1)

    Standard Deviation Range
    Decrease in required front yard depth; provided that in residential zones, the garage is set back a minimum of nineteen (19) feet from the front property line 20% or less
    Decrease in required rear yard depth 20% or less
    Decrease in required side yard width 20% or less
    Increase in maximum fence/wall height 331/3% or less
    Decrease in five-foot setback on street side for fences/walls in excess of thirty-six (36) inches on corner lots in multi-family residential zones 100% or less
    Increase in depth of permitted projections into required yards 20% or less
    Decrease in minimum driveway width for two (2) or more dwelling units to not less than 10 feet
    Deviation in sign area, height, setbacks, separation and other sign specifications 10% or less
    Decrease in required distance between main structures 20% or less
    Decrease in required distance between accessory and main structures 20% or less


    (1) Minor building additions that encroach into required setbacks no further than the existing main structure, excluding architectural features. However, no nonconforming setback width or depth may be decreased further, and the building addition shall comply with all other applicable sections of this Zoning Code and other codes.

    (2) Fabric awnings that project no more than five (5) feet from the building face.

    (3) Any deviation from development standards specified in this Zoning Code as requiring a minor modification.

    (k) Mobile home park conversion. Any conversion of an existing mobile home park to any other use permitted or conditionally permitted in the applicable zoning district.

    (l) Planned signing program. A voluntary, optional alternative to the general sign regulations, except in the C1-S zone where it is required.

    (m) Redevelopment action. Any development or use proposed within the redevelopment project area as specified by the redevelopment plan or by policy of the redevelopment agency as requiring redevelopment agency approval.

    (n) Reserved.

    (o) Rezone. Any proposed change to the official zoning map.

    (p) Specific plan conformity review. Any proposed action or land use which is required by the applicable specific plan to be reviewed for conformity with the purpose and intent of the plan.

    (q) Tentative tract or parcel map (including vesting). Any proposed subdivision of land which is required by a provision of the Subdivision Map Act or this Zoning Code to file a tentative tract or parcel map.

    (r) Variance. Any deviation from a development standard in this Zoning Code that is not specified as a minor modification or administrative adjustment, or a deviation that is not allowed by approval of conditional use permit, minor conditional use permit, or specific plan conformity procedure.

    (s) Landmarks and historic districts located within the city. A person may request placement of a significant historic structure on the local Register of Historic Places subject to the criteria and procedures established in Chapter IX, Article 14, Historic Preservation.

    (t) Certificate of appropriateness. A certificate issued by the planning commission (or other commission/committee designated by the city council), approving plans, specifications, or statements of work for any proposed alteration, restoration, or rehabilitation, construction, relocation, or demolition, in whole or in part, of a "designated cultural resource" listed on the city's local Register of Historic Places.

(Ord. No. 97-11, § 2, 5-5-97; Ord. No. 99-17, § 3, 11-15-99; Ord. No. 01-10, §§ 1a., 1b., 3-5-01; Ord. No. 01-16, § 1b., 6-18-01; Ord. No. 02-4, § 1m, 3-18-02; Ord. No. 03-4, § 1(a), 6-2-03 ; Ord. No. 03-8, §§ 1, 2, 9-2-03 ; Ord. No. 05-3, § 1b., 2-7-05 ; Ord. No. 05-2, § 1a.—c., 2-22-05 ; Ord. No. 06-9, § 1b., 4-18-06 ; Ord. No. 07-17, § 1a., b., 10-2-07 ; Ord. No. 11-10, § 1, 9-20-11 )