§ 13-273. Comprehensive transportation system improvement program  

Latest version.
  • (a) Purpose. The comprehensive transportation system improvement program shall be adopted by resolution of the city council which addresses the cumulative impacts of development in a defined impact area. This program shall mandate circulation improvements, including freeway improvements, to ensure that the master plan of highways is constructed and that the standard level of service is achieved and will be maintained at all intersections in the defined impact area in accordance with the general plan. For those intersections identified as potentially deficient, the program shall identify the maximum improvements feasible in accordance with the general plan. The program shall address the funding, construction and maintenance of transportation facilities to implement the master plan of highways. The program shall be updated on an annual basis.

    (b) Relationship to development fee program. The comprehensive transportation system improvement program shall be utilized to determine the pro rata share of the cost of necessary improvements attributable to development projects as described in section 13-274, Development fee program.

    (c) Development phasing and performance monitoring report. Each year the city shall prepare a development phasing and performance monitoring report which shall be used to update the comprehensive transportation system improvement program.

    (d) Interim approval procedure. Until such time as this program is adopted, development projects not exempted pursuant to section 13-276, Exemptions, may be approved if the city adopts findings that the development projects are consistent with the provisions of this article.

(Ord. No. 97-11, § 2, 5-5-97)