§ 13-230. Dedication and improvements  

Latest version.
  • (a) Dedications. Conditions of approval of subdivision maps may require certain dedications. Dedications shall be provided for by a statement on the subdivision map unless the city engineer determines that legal instruments separate from the subdivision map are required. If the dedications are to be provided by legal instrument(s) separate from the subdivision map, the dedications shall be completed prior to the filing of the subdivision map with the county recorder. All streets, highways, alleys, easements and parcels of land identified in this section, shown on the final map and intended for public use, shall be offered for dedication for public use. The following are subject to dedication requirements:

    (1) Streets, highways and alleys, including access rights and abutters' rights.

    (2) Drainage, public utility and other public easements.

    (3) Land for local transit facilities pursuant to State Government Code Section 66475.2.

    (4) Any other property intended for public use.

    (b) Future dedication. Streets or portions of streets may be offered for future dedication where the immediate opening and improvement are not required, but where it is necessary to ensure that the city can later accept dedication when the streets are needed for the further development of the area or adjacent areas.

    (c) Improvements. The subdivider shall improve or agree to improve all land dedicated for streets, highways, public ways and easements as a condition precedent to acceptance and approval of the final map. The improvements shall include such grading, surfacing, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, culverts, bridges, storm drains, water mains and service connections to the property line with cutoff valves, sanitary sewers and such other structures or improvements as may be required by ordinance for the general use of the lot owners in the subdivision and for local neighborhood traffic and drainage needs. If the improvement work is not completed satisfactorily before the final map is approved, the owner of the subdivision shall, prior to approval and city's certification of the final map, enter as contractor into an agreement with the city whereby, in consideration of the acceptance by the city of the streets and easements offered for dedication, the contractor agrees to complete the work within the time specified in the agreement.

    (d) Grades. All improvements shall be installed to grades approved by the city engineer.

    (e) Plans, profiles and specifications. Plans, profiles and specifications of proposed improvements shall be furnished to the city engineer prior to the time of final map submittal, and shall be approved by the city engineer before the map is filed with the city council. The plans and profiles shall show full details of the proposed improvements in accordance with city standards.

    (f) Reserved.

    (g) Waiver of access. The subdivider may be required by the planning commission, as a condition of approval, to waive access to one or more designated streets before obtaining the city council approval of any final map.

    (h) Bonds. To assure that the work will be completed, bonds shall be provided by the subdivider from an approved surety company, or in cash, in the following amounts and for the following purposes:

    (1) A bond equivalent to one hundred (100) per cent of the total cost of the improvements to guarantee payment for all labor and materials.

    (2) A further bond(s) equivalent to one hundred (100) per cent of the total cost of the improvements plus the cost of setting final monuments to guarantee faithful performance of the agreement, and to guarantee completion of the work or improvements including the setting of final monuments.

(Ord. No. 97-11, § 2, 5-5-97; Ord. No. 03-1, §§ 1—4, 2-18-03 )