§ 13-118.2. Banners on public baseball and softball fields  

Latest version.
  • (a) Applicability. Only a youth program user groups 1 and 3 shall be able to request approval to install banners on a public baseball or softball field that has been permitted for their use by the city. Youth program user groups 1 and 3 are defined in the City of Costa Mesa Athletic Field/Facility Use and Allocation Policy.

    (b) Permit required. Banners may be placed on public baseball and/or softball fields after obtaining the necessary permit from the recreation manager.

    (c) Standards.

    (1) Acceptable banner location: Banners shall only be displayed on the field's outfield fence and shall only face the field's interior.

    (2) Banner composition: Banner copy and/or logos shall be limited to one side of the banner, and the banner shall be made of durable cloth, bunting, plastic, or similar material.

    (3) Maximum size: Individual banners shall not exceed forty (40) square feet.

    (4) Installation: The banner's surface must be tautly and securely fastened to the outfield fence of the field by a minimum of four (4) contact points.

    (5) Maintenance required: The applicant shall maintain all banners in good condition, and the applicant shall remove or replace any banner that is torn, faded, dirty, or defaced, including by graffiti.

    (6) Installation period: Banners shall be installed no sooner than seven (7) days prior to the baseball and/or softball season's commencement and shall be removed within seven (7) days of the season's close. Specific dates and time for the banners' installation and removal may be subject to change by the city in order to minimize impacts to the public.

    (7) Banner removal: All banners that are not removed by the applicant by the approved removal date shall constitute a public nuisance subject to summary removal by the city.